
Do I have to disclose to my dentist?

As a HIV positive person, do I have to inform my dentist about being HIV positive before any dental treatment?


All healthcare professionals should use universal precautions which means they assume everyone has a blood bourne infection and protect themselves and their patients accordingly. This means you are not putting anyone at risk by not disclosing and so are not legally obliged to tell your dentist about your HIV status.

Health-wise, however, if your dentist is aware of your positive status they will be able to provide you with better care. HIV positive people are more prone to certain oral infections. If your dentist knows you are HIV positive they will be able to look out for these. They will also be able to make sure that any medicines they have to prescribe for you do not react badly with any HIV medications you are taking.

This is one of our most common questions around disclosure. If you would like to read similar questions please take a look at this link.


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