Q and A


Will my baby have HIV if we do not go for sperm washing?

I am HIV+ and so is my partner. I want to have a baby, but I heard that you have to do sperm washing. If I choose not to do this, will the baby have HIV?



The single and most important factor whether the baby will have HIV or not is the viral load of the mother, especially during the labour. The father’s HIV-status or the way you conceive do not play any role here.

Your doctor may have recommended sperm-washing if your partner has a viral strain that is different than yours or has drug resistance with a detectable viral load.

This is because of a low risk that you could get reinfected with a virus that may be more difficult to treat in the future.

If, however, your partner has been undetectable in the last 6 months, is adherent to his therapy and neither of you has any sexually transmitted disease, apart from HIV, then most couples would just practise natural conception without any worry.

All the different aspects of pregnancy while living with HIV are very well explained in the i-Base booklet HIV, pregnancy and women’s health.

Take care and please be in touch if you need any further information.


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