Q and A


Can we have a child?

I’m a young lady and in HIV-positive, but my husband is negative can we have a child.


Yes, absolutely no problem about it.

The most important factor whether the child will be positive or negative is your viral load at the time of labour. All the different aspects of planning your pregnancy, means of conception, as well as treatment are detailed in the i-Base booklet HIV, pregnancy and women’s health.


  1. Svilen Konov

    Sorry to hear that. He should start treatment as he needs to improve his health. As for having a baby, yes, you can have a baby, as this does not depend on his CD4 count. There is some detailed information about the options at the following link: http://www.i-base.info/guides/pregnancy/man.html

  2. K

    Hi. My husband has AIDS now after being HIV-positive for 7 years.
    I am negative. Is it possible for us to have a baby?
    His CD4 count is 94.


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