Q and A


My semen is watery, is this the treatment to blame?

Since I started HIV treatment, my semen has turned into watery texture like overdiluted milk, instead of the normal heavy texture. Is this normal with HIV treatment? If so, will it turn back to the original heavy texture? More so, does it mean that I do not have any sperm count at the moment. Have been on treatment for 4 years and have been on Atripila all along and has worked for me well.


The consistency of semen depends on many things and it can change sometimes.

Changes in your diet is the main factor especially if your are drinking ore or less liquids. The more water you drink, the more watery the semen. Caffeine and alcohol can also affect the texture, making the semen viscous and thick. Age can be a factor too.

Generally, there is nothing to worry about. Neither HIV, nor HIV meds are likely to be causing this. Being more watery does not affect your ‘sperm count’. You are perfectly fine, no worries.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Maryitin,

    Please see the above post.

  2. maryitin

    I started having wstery sperm the moment I started taking ARV drugs. I am worried. I am 29 years old. i just started ARV a year ago. my sperm used to be thick but changed only a week after I comnenced the drug.

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Bonwell,

    This is something that you’ll need to talk to a fertility doctor about as its unlikely to be ARV related.

  4. Bonwell

    Hi guys even me I’m taking Atripla now is 5 years and I’m 30 years. I don’t drink or smoke, but my sperm its just like water. I’m really so stressed because I tried to make a child but I can’t manage, now my girlfriend she is complaining becauseI can’t make a child. I even vist my doctor to tell him my issue still the same,and sometimes if I make love after I sperm it will take me a day to make another round so I’m suffuring need your help

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Leonardo – this is very unlikely to be related to HIV meds and more likely to be related to diet. I haven’t heard this reported before and I but then I haven’t seen any research that has looked at this either – and I have tracked thousands of studies each year for at least the last 16 years.

  6. Leonardo

    Hello. Just the opposite of the problem its mentioned, i have thick yellowish and jelly like sperm when i ejaculate. I noticed this happened after i started with my anti-HIV treatment. Does it has anything to do with the medication or it’s something else?

  7. Robin Jakob


    You should talk to your clinic about symptoms. They can help you work out what is causing it. IF it is one of the meds you are on they can discuss other options with you.

    You can find info about Tribuss here:

  8. senzo mtungwa

    Since 24th Nov 2014 my Dr had placed me on tribuss ; purbac cause my cd 4 was below 200 at the time (149). She also included Centrum multivitamin, Lord they make me so hungry, and I eat like nobodys business….will it have negative effect if my doctor remove the intake of Centrum cause I dont want to gain weight I just need my Tribuss and purbac tablets do its function, thats all

  9. Robin Jakob


    This is unlikely to be associated with your HIV treatment. Please read the answer to the question above for more information.

  10. senzo

    Im 31 and been on tribuss and purbac for 3 weeks now but realised my sperm has changed its texture from thick and creamy to watery- white colour and when i mastabate my sperms “jump” and spill over the place but before it use to just drop on my belly area. I dont drink. And im on healthy diet. Im really concerned.


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