Q and A


Can an HIV positive man still have children?

Can an HIV positive man still have children? If so, what is the risk to mother and child?


Thanks for your question which is very easy to answer.

The simple answer is a definite “yes” as being on modern HIV treatment also protects your partner.

As long as viral load is undetectable, the risk of transmission becomes zero. This means that your partner will not be at risk and the baby will be negative too.

The risk of a baby having HIV is only directly related to the HIV status of the mother, not the father.

So if your partner is also HIV positive, this is how you can have an HIV negative baby.

The i-Base guide to HIV, Pregnancy and Women’s Health includes a chapter on planning pregnancies and is available online or in print.

Note: This answer was last updated in January 2018 from an original post from March 2007.


  1. Andy

    Hi I’m just found out I’m hiv positive and the girl I had sex with is negative she has just given birth to a boy should I tell the hospital ii am HIV positive as I have only just found out and taking anti viral s now ? Will the baby be tested automatically ? What should I do ? Is it possible I’m even the father my CD4 was 18 in may.

  2. Lisa Thorley
  3. LINA

    Am HIV positive and my boy is negative and he wants a baby from me what will I do?

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Ema,

    Its common to be worried about talking to someone about your status especially if you’re in a sexual relationship with that person and you aren’t sure of their status. However, now that you know yours if you were having sex with your wife without using a condom before you became aware of your status there is a possibility that she is also positive. This is something that will need discussing as her health could be at risk.

    If you want to have children it will definitely need to be discussed.

    There isn’t an easy way to do this, but hopefully things will go OK.

    You being on treatment is a very important step as you’ll know be able to control the HIV.

  5. ema

    I am HIV positive on treatment already but I don’t know the health state of my wife whether she is positive or negative,as I have not told her about myself and I want us to have another baby. Ever since I found out that I am positive, I have not had sex with her am so afraid and so confused . I don’t know what to do right now. I don’t what to loose my wife and I want more babies from her.

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi John,

    Please see Q’s 6 and 9 here:


  7. JOHN


    I’m positive, my partner is negative. I take my meds on time. Can we have kids? I don’t want to infect her.

  8. Trizah

    I am HIV negative and my husband is HIV positive we have been together for three years and we have a child of one year old and he is HIV negative we are healthy and happy…..we never use condom since we met each other so those who have this case just give birth you can have as many children you want…..

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nontokozo,

    If the man that you’re dating is on meds, the risk of transmission to you is close to zero. Therefore, you can have children naturally. If he isn’t on meds, you risk being infected if you try to conceive naturally.

  10. nontokozo

    I’m HIV negative and I’m dating a man who is HIV positive and I’m planning to have a child with him but I’m not sure what to do since he’s the one who is effected.


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