Q and A


I found out I’m pregnant while taking efavirenz?

I found out I was pregnant when already on Atripla and my concerns were what I had read up on efavirenz (initially). I’m 43 and this is my first pregnancy, and this latter issue is now more worrisome than the previous one. Your input, please!?


Hello, thank-you for your question. And congratulations on your pregnancy!

Many women who are pregnant or trying to conceive contact us to ask about efavirenz.

Many years ago, efavirenz was not recommended during pregnancy.

Much more recent data has shown that these concerns are no longer important.

Many women have safely become pregnant when they are already taking ARVs, including efavirenz (or Atripla which contains efavirenz).

UK guidelines  recommend that efavirenz can continue to be used by women who want to become pregnancy. They also recommend that efavirenz can be used by during pregnancy.

You also said that you are concerned about this being your first pregnancy at 43. I’m not a maternity expert and I can’t give you much advice about this. It’s important to talk to your doctor or midwife about your concerns. Many women who become pregnant in their late 30s and early 40s have perfectly healthy pregnancies and babies. It’s important to get advice from your healthcare team to help make your pregnancy as healthy as possible.

Our guide to HIV, pregnancy and women’s health is available to read online or to download. The guide contains information about many issues around pregnancy and HIV, including mother to child transmission; prenatal care and delivery choices. You can access it at this link: HIV, pregnancy and women’s health.


  1. kiara

    Hi I found out today that I’m pregnant and I’m on Tenolam E. Is there any risk to my baby. Also I’m still menstruating, is this normal? My CD4 is 256 and virus is not detectable.

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nelly,

    Congratulations on your pregnancy.

    Being on ART is the best thing that you can do. It is being on ART that will reduce the risk of transmission to your baby. It is also important for your health.

    Because you’ve started at 28 weeks, you still have time for your viral load to become undetectable. Therefore, if this happens and you have no complications you should be able to have a vaginal birth. There’s more about this in our HIV and pregnancy guide:


    With regards to if your baby will be ok, no one can ever guarantee this. However, being on ART reduces the risks significantly. As too does giving your baby Nevirapine after they are born.

    Are you planning to breastfeed or bottle feed your baby?

  3. NELLY

    HI, am 28weeks pregnant and just started on atripla, will my baby be okay after vaginal birth?

  4. Simon Collins

    Hi Iolaza, you don’t say whether you or your partner are HIV positive. Also are you or your partner on treatment? IF you are both positive, then it is okay to not use condoms to have a baby. If one of you is positive, then being on treatment reduces the risk to close to zero. See this information on the PARTNER study.

  5. loloza

    Hi me and my partner we trying so hard to have a baby but we feel that having sex without using a condoms is wrong,if the is ather way we can do please help.

  6. C D

    Congratulations to all the women taking Atripla and are pregnant. I have being taking Atripla for a while now and gave birth @ age 38 to my boy who is three years five months now with no defect. Taking ARVs will help prevent mother to baby transmission of the virus.

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi CD – thanks for sharing your story. You are right that efavirenz is now safely used during pregnancy. It is good to hear things are going so well.

  8. Robin Jakob


    Congratulations on your pregnancy.

    It is good that you are on ARVs. This is good for your health and it will help prevent your baby becoming positive. Atripla is widely used on pregnancy and is unlikely to cause any birth defects. Usually babies take meds for four weeks after being born.

    You can find lots of information on HIv and pregnancy here:

  9. Angel

    I’m 6 weeks pregnant and I have been taking Atripla for the past 4 yrs, my viral load is undetected and my CD count is 613. Is Atripla safe for my baby, won’t it cause any birth defects? will the baby have to take any medication soon after birth to make sure that transmission is prevented. Thnx

  10. Robin Jakob


    THe Atripla will help prevent you baby becoming positive. It is also good for your health.

    You can find more information here:


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