
Why do partners leave when you disclose your HIV status?

Why is it here in Zimbabwe if you tell your fiance that you are HIV positive it will be the end of the relationship?
Is this site for Jehovah’s witness only?


Firstly, this is to confirm that this service is based on information relating to treatment of all people who are HIV positive. Not just Jehovah’s witnesses.

In response to your question, the way people react when you disclose your status varies according to individuals. Some people choose to leave their partners. Others feel that they love their partners  too much to let HIV alone come between them. How people react depends on the type of person they are and how informed they are about HIV.

In reality though it’s important to be prepared for either  reaction. Your partner may not ready to be with you if you test HIV positive. However, if this is the case, then are they really the right person to spend the rest of your life with?

Can I ask whether you are HIV positive and if your fiance left you after you disclosed?

In general, many HIV negative people continue to have fulfilling sexual relationships with their positive partners. Others even go on to start families if that is what they wish. Many more have had and continue to have healthy HIV negative babies.

Best wishes.


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