Q and A


Are my ARVs safe in pregnancy?

I’m four months pregnant and I’m on ARVs lamivudine efavirenz and tenofovir. Is it safe for the baby if I continue taking them?



Thanks for your question. Being on ARVs will reduce the risk of transmitting HIV to your baby. If your viral load is undetectable throughout pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding the chance of passing HIV to your baby will be close to zero. So it is very important to continue taking ARVs throughout your pregnancy.

There used to be some advice against using efavirenz in pregnancy but this has changed. Please see this previous question for more informaiton about this.

Please also see our pregnancy guide, and this page about the safety of ARVs in pregnancy.

Please let me know if you have any further questions and I will be more than happy to help. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy!


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nandipha,

    The combination that you are taking is fine to take during pregnancy. For more info please see our pregnancy guide:


  2. Nandipha

    I am currently on Isentress, Prezista, Tyricten and a Generic of Novir. Will it be safe to use during pregnancy

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Joyce,

    Atenef is a generic version of Atripla. It is a very effective drug. It is also a drug that is commonly prescribed. Please see the following for more information:


  4. Joyce

    Hi I’m on the atenef, I want to known whether they are safe or not.

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Dudu – thanks for the feedback – and good luck with everything :)

  6. dudu

    Am on pregnant and on tribuss too. thnx for this q & a, was gonna ask the same thing. now ‘m sort of relieved.

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Zama – congratulations on your pregnancy. Tribuss is widely used during pregnancy. It is good for both you and your baby.

  8. Zama

    Im pergnant and im on tribuss

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Dion

    Your friends needs to speak to a doctor or someone at his clinic, especially if it is bad enough to be worried.

    The clinic will then be able to decide whether he needs to go to see them. This is especially important if he is not yet on treatment or if you are worried about TB.

    It is good that you are looking out for him :)

  10. Dion

    My friend is HIV positive and he’s coughing dry cough every time. now he’s so worried plz help.


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