Q and A


Are my ARVs safe in pregnancy?

I’m four months pregnant and I’m on ARVs lamivudine efavirenz and tenofovir. Is it safe for the baby if I continue taking them?



Thanks for your question. Being on ARVs will reduce the risk of transmitting HIV to your baby. If your viral load is undetectable throughout pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding the chance of passing HIV to your baby will be close to zero. So it is very important to continue taking ARVs throughout your pregnancy.

There used to be some advice against using efavirenz in pregnancy but this has changed. Please see this previous question for more informaiton about this.

Please also see our pregnancy guide, and this page about the safety of ARVs in pregnancy.

Please let me know if you have any further questions and I will be more than happy to help. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy!


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nowiwi,

    It’s OK to use all ARVs when pregnant, so yes. If you’re pregnant or thinking about trying or a baby, please see here: https://i-base.info/guides/pregnancy

  2. Nowiwi

    Can I use the new arvs if am pregnant

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Dineopitso,

    ARVs don’t impact a persons fertility, so yes, it’s OK to take the ARVs that you’re taking.

  4. Dineopitso

    Hi my name is Dineo

    I am taking this knew pills ( acriptega) so I want to know if it’s possible for me to have kids?

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Anonymous,

    Good news is that the latest results from a study in Botswana can now “lay this to rest”. This study was set up in 2014 and had previously reported slightly more spinal problems for babies born to mothers taking dolutegravir (DTG).

    But this year the very small difference in risk of spinal problems with DTG at conception compared with other HIV meds is outweighed by its advantages.

    Please talk to your doctor about what HIV meds you are taking. You can discuss all the details with your doctors and nurses if you’re planning to have a baby.

    Here’s a link to a latest report about this. Sorry, it’s a bit technical but you can show this to your doctor.

  6. anonymous

    Hi! is it true that the new HIV drug causes a baby to be born with a spinal problem? that it causes disabilities on a child?

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Nosipho,

    The good news is that many HIV positive women all over the world have had healthy HIV negative babies when taking ARVs. ARVs are not known to prevent pregnancy.

    Please see this guide to HIV, pregnancy and women’s health. There’s a lot of info in this for HIV positive women who want to have children.

  8. Nosipho

    Hi, is it possible that when you using this new ARVs where you drink it in the morning or middle day you could birth an disable child? And is it true that it prevent you to get pregnant?

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Okuhle,

    You’ve been diagnosed early in your pregnancy and you’re taking ARVs, so yes it’s very possible that your child will be negative. The important thing is that you continue to take your ARVs. Please read the following: https://i-base.info/guides/pregnancy

    When thinking about transmission, what’s important is your viral load, not your CD4 count.

    As you’re new to medication, you may also find the following helpful: https://i-base.info/guides/starting With the meds, your CD4 will rise and your viral load will decrease.

  10. Okuhle

    Hlw my name is okuhle found out that I was positive when I was 14 weeks and my cd4 count was 178 do I stand a chance of infecting my child am now taking arvs and they added some anti biotic


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