Q and A


I’m 7 months pregnant, is it safe to breastfeed?

Just found out that I am HIV positive and 7 months pregnant, my doctor has recommended I start treatment, is it possible to still give my breast milk to my baby without endangering her life .



Thanks for your email. I’m sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis. Finding out that you are HIV+ during pregnancy is very difficult. Do you have any support to help you deal with this?

Your doctor has given you good advice about starting treatment as this will help protect your baby from being infected with HIV.

Please see this similar question for more information about HIV, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Because you say you are in South Africa it is likely that you will be offered to continue with ARVs and to breastfeed for the first 6 months- as recommended by the WHO guidelines, explained in the link above. There is also more information in our pregnancy guide.

Please let me know if you have any questions or need any further information.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lusanda,

    Its common to feel like this when you’re pregnant and resently diagnosed. Do you have anyone to talk to?

    Though you’ve been diagnosed late in pregnancy its still possible that your child could be negative. Please see here: http://i-base.info/guides/pregnancy

    The important thing is that you adhere to your medication.

  2. Lusanda

    Am 7 months pregnant jus find out That am HIV positive and I started treatment on the 6 of February 2019 the thing is am worried about my baby am always stressed now is she /he is going to be negative or what that’s stressing me

  3. Simon Collins

    So long as you have been using condoms during the pregnancy, your wife could not have caught HIV since here last negative test. If your wife is unwell for any reason this is something to talk to a doctor about.

  4. Yak

    Pls make me clear. I am HIV+ but my wife is negative and she is 6 months pregnant, now. November 08,2013 she went for test and was negative, that was about 5 months pregnant. Though I got her truvada before allowing her take the risk, July this year. I really want her protected including my unborn baby. Is her test on 8/11/13 conclusive ? Expectedly March, 2014 she’ll put to bed. Should I take her for another test, now that she 6 months ?


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