
If we are both HIV-positive, how can we have a baby that is not infected?



The short answer is that if you are both HIV-positive, then having a baby is in many ways less complicated than if either of you was HIV-negative.

Use of HIV treatment will depend on your partners current health, but generally, by both using HIV treatment through pregnancy and having an undetectable viral load at delivery, this should mean that there is a 99% chance that the baby will not become infected with HIV.

For more details see our HIV and pregnancy guide.

These online questions and answers may also be useful.

Best wishes


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  1. Chichi

    I am hub positive and i want kidz what do i do?

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lethu,

    Is there a support group for positive people near to where you live, this could help.
    Keeping a secret like HIV can be very hard, its common to do so though. Do you think you might be able to approach the subject with your family?

  3. lethu

    hi, i am living with the virus. i found out that I’m positive this year January 15. from then i started my treatment,i haven’t fully accepted that I’m positive with HIV i take my drugs every night. my partner is also positive and he’s very supportive. i don’t live with him though i live with my family they don’t know that I’m living with the virus. i guess that’s what makes it hard for me. sometimes i feel alone and isolated i don’t really have anyone to talk to except my boyfriend.

  4. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Juliana,
    Is your question about contacting other people? There’s a Q&A on this topic here.



  6. Amo

    I am 40 years and have been living with HIV for 14 years now, I take my ARV every night with support of my kids. And my viral load is undetectable

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Dear Baby Girl,
    Thanks for this comment. Having much support and love from family and friends can help HIV positive people so much.

  8. Baby girl

    Danny don’t be worried at all ladies like honest men but depends on the lady. I am also worried and I wish to get married but just sometimes feel like a outsider but I have so much support and love from my family and friends.

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Danny,

    There’s no reasons why you can’t date someone who is negative, lots of people do. Its a case of finding the right person. Dating can be difficult for people who are positive due to stigma, however its very possible.

  10. DANNY

    I am a 41years old guy with no girlfriend.I am always worried that i wont be in a relationship, as i was diagnosed with HIV during 2016 nd started treatment early february 2017.My cd4 count was 207.I am always worried. Do i have to find someone who is also positive?


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