I’d like a child, should I wait until my viral load is undetectable?
13 January 2018. Related: All topics, Pregnancy.
Hi, I’m positive and married. I’m on medication, but my viral load is still high. I’d like to have a baby, should I wait until my viral load becomes undetectable.?
Thanks for getting in touch.
Many women become pregnant when their viral loads are still detectable. This might be due to them not knowing about their status, or due to being new to treatment, or even due to just not being on medication. Though this may not be a problem, if you can wait until your viral load is undetectable this could help prevent transmission. For more info about pregnancy and HIV please see here:
You’ve said that your viral load is still high, how long have you been on medication for?
Dear Micah,
Many women all over the world have babies when they are in their 30s. And thousands of HIV positive women have had healthy HIV negative babies by going on treatment. Are you already on treatment and undetectable?
Here’s a link to the i-Base guide to women’s health and pregnancy.
What if I’m in my 30s running old what do I do about having a baby?