Q and A


Do ARVS affect your periods?

Hello , I have been taking my HIV meds for around a month now , can this affect my period? My last period ( 1st day of period ) was on 22nd of September 2018 now its 4th November . I had 3 urine pregnancy tests but all negative . Can this be because of meds? I don’t get any symptoms of period nor feel any pregnancy symptoms ( only maybe paranoid my nipples are abit sore )
Please help I spoke to my docs but they said not to worry.


Thanks for getting in touch.

ARVs don’t affect a woman’s menstrual cycle. Therefore this is something that you may wish to discuss with a specialist if it continues.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Olga, I am sorry but which test is this? Are you HIV positive?

  2. Olga

    Hi. My period comes for 2days each ND evrytym and when I test is negative should I be worried

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Shamim, congratulations on having a baby. TLD is not the cause of your amenorrhea. TLD does not have any effect on your menstrual cycle. Do you know your current CD4 count and viral load?

    Have you been to see a doctor about other possible causes of the amenorrhea?

  4. shamim

    Hi. I have amenorrhea sice I gave birth in 2020. I thought it’s breast feeding after breasting I had two periods in 2022 ,two periods in 2023. Could it be due to TLD. Even this year I don’t see mi peeiods


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