Will changing ART reduce the risk of miscarriage?
30 April 2022. Related: All topics, Pregnancy.
I have been using one tablet which is called Trenvir and had 3 miscarriages already.
When I was pregnant previously before I got miscarriages I was advised to use Aluvia and then after having the baby I was changed to Trenvir.
Is it possible that the tablet I am using it is not right for me when am pregnant? This is a big worry for me because I think I am pregnant again and I cant loose this baby,
I am really sorry that you had had such a difficult time.
What does your doctor say about this? Please talk to them because they know about your full medical history. They should also support you using Aluvia if you want to.
None of the meds in Trenvir increase the risk of miscarriage. But if you want to, you can use Aluvia again.
This might help you worry less, even though it shouldn’t make a difference.
Good luck with your plans.