
I need to tell I am positive, what shall I do?

I am HIV positive. I am afraid to pass it to someone else. However, in my country there is a law for HIV positive people that we are obliged to tell we are HIV positive before we can have sex with someone.

How would the preson want to have sex with you after he or she knew about it. He or she might not feel safe to do it even though
condom give 100% protection.

How can I balance my sex life? That`s really causing me a a dilemma.


Disclosure of status is a difficult thing for many people. Often, it is hard to discuss it even with a medical professional.

Some positive people find it easier when they have sexual contacts only with other positive people. They say that the fear of infecting the partner is alleviated and this increases their quality of life. You can meet other positive people on many dating sites nowadays.

Another option, of course, is to discuss the matter with a negative partner and allow him/her to go only to the extent he/she feels comfortable and safe. Many people say that that is a really satisfying experience.


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