Q and A


Should I believe HIV test results and my doctor?

I have been tested for HIV after 4 weeks of the unprotected oral encounter. (someone gave me a blowjob for 15 seconds)

The test was done in London- Mortimer Market. It was rapid test.

I am married. The doctor told me that you are free to make unprotected sex with your wife.

1- Are you 100% sure that receiving blowjob is not risk for HIV?
2- Can I have unprotected sex with my wife?

Thank you and Best Regards


Thank you for your questions. You can’t get HIV from getting a blow job.

You should believe the test results and your doctor’s advice.


  1. Charlotte Walker

    You cannot get HIV this way, you do not need to test.

  2. pure man

    hi, last week one night i met with a prostitute, she made me masturbate,that time her finger touch my penis hole, as she is professional and did this with several people, can i get hiv? can hiv transfer through dry hand? how long hiv live in hand? how long after i should test?