Q and A


If I become pregnant, can I give birth to a negative baby?

Hi I’m HIV positive and 24yrs old. I would like to know if it possible to fall pregnant and give birth to a negative baby? What if my partner and I are both HIV positive? Will we be able to have child?


Lots of HIV positive people have children. By using HIV meds (ARVs) this
dramatically reduces the risk to the baby.

It is more important that you, rather than your partner, use treatment
during pregnancy as the babies HIV status is related to your status rather
than your partners. This risk comes not when you conceive but mainly at
birth. If treatment has reduced your viral load to undetectable, this risk
is dramatically lower.

Please talk to your HIV doctor about this. Also see the guide to HIV and
Pregnancy at this link.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Cici,

    Yes, it’s very possible to give birth to a negative birthday. Your HIV is under control so the risks are very low. Please see here for more info: http://i-base.info/guides/pregnancy

  2. Cici

    Hi I’ve been on ART for over a year now I just found out that I’m 22weeks pregnant as well my CD4 is 293 viral load is 20 with those results is it possible for me to birth a Negative and healthy baby

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Alutar,

    Congratulations, it’s good to hear you’re going to have a baby.

    But it’s important that you take ART, for your own health and for your baby’s health. Taking ART is the best way to protect your baby from HIV.

    HIV drugs can be effective at protecting your baby. The aim of ART is to get your viral load result to undetectable as soon as possible and before you give birth.

    Do you have access to your viral load and CD4 count results?

    Please can you ask about all this at the clinic? You can also ask them about the C-section.

    Here’s the guide to HIV, pregnancy and women’s health.


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