Q and A


My girlfriend is HIV positive and I'm negative. How can we have a baby?

My girlfriend is HIV positive and I am HIV negative.

I want have a baby with her. We always use condoms. What do I need to do?


There are a number of different conception options available for couples like you where one partner is positive and the other is negative.

The simplest and safest option which carries no risk to you is Do-it-yourself artificial insemination (self insemination) using a plastic syringe. This is a very safe way to protect you from catching HIV. This
method involves putting your sperm into your girlfriend’s vagina around the time when she is ovulating. Ovulation takes place in the middle of her monthly cycle, about 14 days before her period.

Different clinics may recommend different methods to collect your sperm. One way is to have
protected intercourse with a spermicide-free condom. Another is for you to ejaculate into a container. In both cases, you then insert the sperm into your girlfriend’s vagina with a syringe.

For more information on this process and other options available to you, please follow this link to our guide to HIV pregnancy and women’s health. Your girlfriend may also find it helpful to read the guide as it answers a lot of general questions around HIV and pregnancy.

Good luck with your future plans.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Quincy, how are you doing? Are taking HIV medicine?

    If you are on treatment with an undetectable viral load, your partner will also be protected.

    Any other situation means that your partner will be at risk if you do not use condoms.

    Please see this link on U=U:

  2. Quincy

    I was tested hiv positive last year and my girlfriend tested negative….. is she still at risk ?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Mazwi,

    Many people who are positive will choose not to tell a partner that they are positive. This can be due to a fear of stigma and rejection. As your partner is on medication, as long as her viral load is undetectable then you aren’t at any risk, none at all. Please see Q’s 9 and 14 here:


  4. Mazwi

    I have a partner and we have been dating for 5 years, I only found out this year that she is HIV positive and she is on treatment, all these years I’ve been testing negative even when I found out that she HIV positive I went for an HIV test and still tested negative, what does this mean, am I gonna be negative forever or the virus will one day show up? please I need help and advise.

    She never disclosed to me that she is HIV positive until I found out myself, even when I have found out she didn’t want to tell me the truth as how did this happened and when did she start taking ARVs, and our relationship is in a bad state.


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