Q and A


Can we have have an HIV negative baby?

Me and my wife are both HIV-positive.

Can we have an HIV-negitive baby in a normal way?


NOTE: since this question was posted new guidelines have recommended that HIV positive woman can use efavirenz when trying to conceive and during pregnancy. 

Yes, many couples where one or both partners are HIV positive are starting families and having children.

The key to the baby not being HIV positive is that the mother needs to use combination therapy to make sure that her viral load is undetectable when the baby is born.

You can conceive the baby in a normal way and have a natural birth, but there are a few things you need to be carfeul with, so your doctor needs to know you are planning a family so s/he can help you access the right services.

If your wife is currently on treatment, she should not use the HIV drug efavirenz (Sustiva) while conceiving and during the first 3 months of the pregnancy.

An i-Base booklet deals with this in detail here.

You can order a free print copy at this link.


  1. Rebecca McDowall

    Hello Prince,
    Because both you and your partner are undetectable you should be able to try to conceive naturally. Having an undetectable viral load reduces any potential chance of reinfection to almost zero. This link explains more about trying for a baby when both partners are HIV positive.

    If your wife does get pregnant it is important that she attends regular antenatal care and takes appropriate precautions to prevent transmitting HIV to your baby. The guidelines for how to do this varies between countries but our Guide to HIV, pregnancy, and women’s health explains what to do if you are HIV positive and decide to have a baby.

  2. Prince

    Hi, my wife and I are both HIV positive and are willing to soon start a family. Both our viral load counts are undetectable with her CD4 count being 480 and mine being 282.

    We have been on medication for about 3 years now and been using condoms since. I would like to find out if it is safe to go ahead and try to have a baby in a natural way or do we need some more precautions?

    Many thanks


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