Q and A


Shall I have the same dosage if I am pregnant?

Hi, I have been on Truvada and Kaletra for a year now. O take 4 tablets of Kaletra and one tablet of Truvada once a day. I am treated in the UK and my doctor says it is fine to take my medications this way. My viral load has been undetectable for a year now. I am fine in terms of side effects. My question is should I take this dosage if I am pregnant?


It is fine to take the same medications. It is a fairly commonly used combination during pregnancy in the last years. The important thing is that your viral load is undetectable, as this is the most important factor for having your baby HIV-negative.

Taking your medications the way you do now should be fine, but it is also a good idea to talk to your doctor about a TDM (Therapeutic Drug Monitoring) test to your doctor. That test will check whether you get enough of medication to suppress the replication of the virus.


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