Q and A


Can I get pregnant while taking Trixazole?



Thank-you for your email. Trixazole is a brand-name for a drug called cotrimoxazole. There is a very detailed answer to your question here:

Is it safe to use cotrimoxazole in pregnancy? 

Please look at that question and then let me know if you would like me to explain any of the information in the answer.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Ena.

    Septrin won’t have any impact on your ability to conceive.

  2. Ena

    Hi, I really what to know. Can I conceive while taking septrin?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Arukol,

    There isn’t any difference, they’re the same thing.

  4. Arukol

    What is the different btn Trixazole and cotrixazole?

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lindiwe,

    Please see here:



    Can I get pregnant while taking trixazole?

  7. Simon Collins

    Trixazole is a brand name for cotrimoxazole. It sounds liek these are the same meds. This is a two-drug antibiotic combiantion that is very widely used.

  8. Caroline

    What is the difference between cotrixazole and trixazole


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