Viral blips and viral rebound

From the i-Base guide to changing treatment.

Figure 1. Viral load blips
changing 2015 Fig 1 viral blips

A single blip above 50 is common. It doesn’t mean you need to change treatment.

A blip is usually undetectable again on the confirmatory test.

Figure 2. Viral load rebound

changing 2015 Fig2 confirmed viral rebound

A single blip above 50 is common. It doesn’t mean you need to change treatment.

A blip is usually undetectable again on the confirmatory test.

Figure 2. Viral load rebound

changing 2015 Fig2 confirmed viral rebound

If the second viral load test is still detectable, and the person has been taking their meds, this is more likely to be a real rebound.

This can be a reason to change treatment.