Anti-homosexuality laws back in African parliaments

Rebecca McDowall, HIV i-Base

The Ugandan Parliament is poised once more to pass a bill which would see any person alleged to be homosexual at risk of life imprisonment

Other clauses within the bill mean that the reputation and safety of anyone working with the gay or lesbian community could be severely compromised.

If the bill is passed it could lead to even more HIV infections in marginalised populations, especially among men who have sex with men. They will be prevented from having access to essential public health information, such as how to protect themselves from HIV and how to access life saving treatment and support services that are stigma-free [1].

And it’s not just in Uganda. Further West parliament in Nigeria are considering new anti-gay laws which could lead to:

  • 10 years in prison for living with someone of the same sex
  • 10 years in prison for supporting the idea of a pride march
  • 14 years in prison for trying to have a same-sex wedding [2]

All Out have launched online campaigns to gain international support to prevent the bills being passed.

To sign the petitions visit:


  1. International HIV/AIDS Alliance. Uganda’s ‘Anti-homosexuality bill’ would be disastrous for HIV response. 23 Nov 2012.
  2. All Out. Stop Nigeria’s ‘Jail the gays’ bill.

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.