Q and A


Does ‘non-reactive’ mean I am HIV negative?

I am 24 years old. I had sex 9 months ago with my boyfriend and I am now going to get married to someone else. I was afraid of getting HIV, so I got myself tested at Ranbaxy laboratory Amritsar after 8 months, and the result was non reactive.

They performed rapid card test, but know i fear that they had used an already used syringe. They used the vaccum system to collect my blood sample. please tell me whether the this type of syringe can be reused and am i infected with HIV or is it just my fear?


Non-reactive means the result is HIV negative.

However the blood was collected, you are still HIV negative. Ranbaxy labs would not re-use syringes.

Please see Questions 1 and 8 at this link for more information.

This answer was updated in January 2018 from an original Q&A posted in August 2007.


  1. Suvash

    Today is test my Australia Antigen. So given Results non reactive

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Issac,

    Have you done a HIV test?

  3. Isaac

    please, I just tested on syphilis and it was non-reactive.However,I had been given ciproflocoxacylin (cap), doxyflucocycylin (cap) to treat it. NB:there are genital sores on my penis,rashes which itch,feel nausea. Now I need responses on this matter because I am really confused now, because I do not know if I have syphilis or HIV or whatever I do not know.

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Anansa,

    Rashes can be caused by all sorts of things, not just HIV.

    Please see question one here:


  5. Anansa

    Hello good morning, i am a lesbian with a monogamous relationship, a few weeks ago I jumped out my sleep with the idea that what if the fungus(that I found out later that it is) might be a hiv rash, i was tested with the rbt strip it said non detected but was still worried did another tested somewhere else which was the hiv 1 and hiv 2 done by drawn blood, along with the scrape and the result is again nonreactive, but the scrape showed dermatyte seen( the fungus), how do I put my mind at ease that I’m fine and stop scaring myself and girlfriend ( i read about the rash after I looking up picture of what it could have possibly been and for some reason can’t get what I read out of my head even though I read later on that only happens if you are tested positive) I really just want to go back to my normal self please help

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Mbali,

    Its great that your son is negative. This means that the medication that you took worked.
    With regards to your partner, as you are on ARVs the chances of transmitting are close to zero. Please see the PARTNER study results:


  7. Mbali

    Hi am hiv positive and my boyfriend is negative. I knew it when I was pregnant. I am taking ARVS, our son is now 3years old. His results still say negative. How does he not get infected?

  8. Simon Collins

    Hi Soumyadip, please see Q1 at this link:

  9. Soumyadip

    Plz help me. I am so afraid. I had sex 3 timee with individual person.i have Red eyes. Small rashers on my trunk, hand and upper chest. Few days ago i got test my hiv. And the result was hiv 1 and hiv 2 non reactive.
    VDRL non reactive. But i afraid. What to do? Plz give me answer

  10. Simon Collins

    Hi Rohan, pls see this link for links to detail information about testing.