Q and A


Could I have given my partner HIV through using lube or fingering him?


I have a very unusual question. I am HIV positive and on meds. My viral load is under 200 at the moment. I had sex with my friend and used my fingers to lube myself before receiving and during the act. I stupidly used the the same finger (with lube) to finger him (although there was a gap of few minutes).

I am now dead scared if I may have infected him by inserting the same finger in him.

I understand that HIV can’t survive outside the body for long but still unsure in this case due to the lube on my fingers.



Thank you for your question.

It is not possible to transmit HIV through putting on lube or when fingering someone. Infectious HIV in men is mainly found in semen and blood. For blood transmission to occur there has to be a significant amount of blood involved. You do not need to worry. Your friend will not get HIV this way.

HIV is also likely to be in rectal tissue and mucosa on treatment, so your partner should still use a condom, but he would not have been at risk from what you describe.

For more information about transmission please follow this link


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi John

    Information about HIV transmission is at this link:

  2. John

    Hi.. Mine is similar to this..i fingered a friend with lube and then i used the same hand to masturbate my penis.. Im afraid that might get the virus if ever my friend is positive.. Is that possible?