Q and A


My CD4 count went down slightly, could this be due to my cold?

Is it normal for you CD4 count to rise up very slowly?

Can your CD4 count also drop if you get a small cold?

My CD4 count dropped from 104 in November to 98 now. Although I was sick last week and figured that could be why it dropped a bit.

I started treatment in Aug 2010, and my CD4 was at 68 and my viral load at 46,230. Currently my viral load has been undetectable, but my CD4 is rising very slowly.


Thank you for your question.

It is normal to get some CD4 count fluctuation.  It is almost impossible to get the same result for two CD4 counts as there is so much variation.In this case a doctor would see no difference between a CD4 count of 104 and 98.

Having a cold or feeling under the weather can affect your CD4 count. For a more detailed explanation please follow this link to a similar question.

It is great to hear that your CD4 count is increasing now you are on treatment.


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