Q and A


How can my mother boost her CD4 count?


My mother had a cd4 count of 377 last week. is it possible for her to boost up the count without taking ARVs?


The only way to increase your CD4 is to use ARVs. In South Africa it is usually recommended that people start treatment when their CD4 count is around 350 or below.

Nothing else, including multi vitamins, supplements or herbal remedies can increase your CD4 count.

Has your mother’s doctor spoken to her about starting treatment?

You can read about CD4 counts, and starting treatment, in our Introduction to combination therapy.


  1. Robin Jakob


    It is important to let your clinic know about any symptoms, especially if you are in pain. They can help you work out what is causing this.

  2. Nompumelelo

    I’m taking my treatment in time but I have a pain inside my chest and I also take the madecation to prevent TB I don’t know what is wrong I need help.


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