9. Appendix 7: IAS-USA resistance mutations and cross-resistance

The following figures from the International Antiviral Society USA (IAS-USA) show mutations for each drug and cross-resistance between drugs in each class.

The IAS-USA website includes free download of the latest guidelines to HIV drug resistance published in 2022 in Topics in HIV Medicine. This is the source for the the following tables. https://www.iasusa.org/sites/default/files/tam/21-1-6.pdf (PDF)

Please check the IAS-USA site for updates to these resources. Please refer to the full guidelines for the notes and references. The information on new mutations and how to interpret them is regularly updated, especially for latest drugs.

IAS-USA key 2013

The table below shows the table tor NRTIs and is included as an example.

Please use the above links to see similar tables for other types of HIV drugs: NNRTIs, PIs, integrase inhibitors etc.

Last updated: 1 January 2023.