

i-Base run workshops and courses on any aspect of HIV treatment. We have worked with over 100 support groups in the UK and also run workshops with HIV organisations in Europe, South Africa, India, Taiwan, Russia, Serbia and Turkey. Slide …

HIV pipeline report 2018: new drugs in development

Simon Collins, HIV i-Base This year i-Base has produced the HIV pipeline review as part of our Fit for Purpose report on HIV treatment optimisation. The full Pipeline version reports key research in detail for each drug, with full references …

Workshops – who we have worked with

i-Base has run treatment workshops with the following organisations. African Community Involvement Association (ACIA) African HIV Policy Network (AHPN) Aventis/Dermik training, Longfield Barnardos Project, African Support Group, Leeds Bloomsbury Patients Network Body and Soul, London Brent and Harrow PCT Brighton …

CD4 count and equivalent CD4% for babies and children

CD4 counts are much higher for children than adults. A new-born baby for example can have a CD4 count that is 2-3,000 cells/mm3. Because of this, children are monitored using CD4 percentage (CD4%). This is the percentage of white blood …

CD4 and viral load chart

CD4 and viral load chart PDF Single-sided sheet for patients to graph their CD4 and viral load results, and to explain when to start treatment. This is a generic version of a clinic form developed by i-Base and the Royal …

Log value conversion table

Log value is a measurement used to describe HIV and expresses the viral load values as a power of ten. The scale is used because large changes can only be captured on graphs or diagrams by using a log scale …

HIVTRI medical training partner

HIVTRI is a European training initiative to work with allies in the healthcare, patient communities, international agencies and pharmaceutical industry to build successful responses to HIV and related conditions. HIVTRI provided peer-to-peer training and resources to medical professionals and treatment …

Meeting: Facial lipoatrophy, polylactic acid (New Fill) and access to treatment in the UK

HIV i-Base and Royal Free Centre for HIV Medicine This open meeting for clinicians, healthcare workers, advocates and HIV-positive people included discussions and presentations on: An overview of current approaches to facial atrophy in UK clinics: which procedures, if any, …

Meeting: Paediatric TDM

Meeting chaired by Professor David Back With drug concentrations in paediatrics being so variable, and virological response being closely linked to these levels, there are enormous practical benefits to using TDM. Every HIV-positive child in Holland receives these tests as …

Meeting: Clinical presentation and management of side effects in HIV therapy

Side effects associated with HIV therapy, range from short-lived gastrointestinal disturbance to long term debilitating conditions and life threatening complications. Many persons with HIV live with alarming body shape changes, chronic diarrhoea, nausea, sleep disturbance and excruciating pain, usually unnecessarily. …