

Drug interactions

Drug interactions between antiretroviral drugs and other medications are complicated. This is a specialist area, often with limited research. The following sites include drug-interaction resources. Liverpool University HIV drug interaction site This is the leading global HIV resource that includes …

Clinical trials

i-Base produces resources based on evidence from clinical research. This research can range from single case reports to large randomised studies. We also produce materials to support community involvement in research. HIV research has developed through the involvement of many interest …

Treatment guidelines

There are many national and international guidelines. These cover all aspects of how to manage and treat HIV and related complications. UK guidelines (BHIVA). Other UK guidelines. European guidelines (EACS). PENTA guidelines for children. US guidelines (DHHS). WHO guidelines for …

HIV pipeline report 2021: new drugs in development

Review of recently approved HIV drugs and those in late stage development…

HIV pipeline reviews (2010 – 2021)

i-Base produces an annual HIV pipeline review, linked to the Fit for Purpose review on treatment optimisation. From 2010 – 2016, this was a joint publication, produced with Treatment Action Group in New York. The links below are to each …

Online calculators

Access to a range of online health calculators is now an essential part of routine patient care. The following resources are all available online using the links provided. British National Formulary (BNF) requires one time free registration. HIV adjusted calculators CHIP …

HIV pipeline report 2018: new drugs in development

Simon Collins, HIV i-Base This year i-Base has produced the HIV pipeline review as part of our Fit for Purpose report on HIV treatment optimisation. The full Pipeline version reports key research in detail for each drug, with full references …

Online journals

The following peer-reviewed journals regularly include HIV-related research. Many offer free online access to selected current content and free access to all content after two years. AIDS British Medical Journal (BMJ) Clinical Infectious Diseases (CID) HIV Medicine JAIDS (Journal of …

Drug resistance

UK treatment guidelines (BHIVA) include recommendations to test for antiretroviral drug resistance on diagnosis and prior to starting or changing treatment. Viral load needs to be >500 copies/mL in order for the test to generate a result. Resistance test results …

Professional links

British HIV Association (BHIVA) British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH) Children’s HIV Association (CHIVA) European AIDS Clinical Society (EACS) European Medicines Agency (EMA) EMEA online access to drug SPCs HIV Pharmacists Association (UK) Medical Research Council (MRC HIV …

Conference calendar

An updated schedule of future national and international medical conferences and workshops is publish in each issue of HTB. HTB future conference listing. HTB includes coverage from most major meetings with reports categorised by subject and meeting. Previous reports in …

Databases for HIV collaboration (DHICE project)

DHICE Project (Databases for HIV: Integration, Collaboration, Engagement) DHICE is a project to encourage collaborative working practice between different HIV cohort projects in the UK. Roy Trevelion, based at i-Base, is the Community Liaison Co-ordinator with the project. Memory works …