U=U: Undetectable = Untransmittable
1 November 2024. Related: Advocates, HIV positive people, News, Resources.
U=U: Undetectable viral load = Untransmittable HIV. Has your doctor talked to you yet?
History and timeline
2 September 2024. Related: Advocates, Resources.
There are many different histories of HIV in every country and in different communities. History can put local issues in context. If you know what went before you can have confidence that the future can be as positive and dramatic. …
Slide sets from talks and workshops
9 July 2024. Related: Advocates, Resources.
The following selected slide sets from over 60 community workshops and other talks were produced by i-Base advocates. These are free to use for any non-commercial application. When third-party slides are used these remain the copyright of the original author. …
Advocacy organisations
19 November 2023. Related: Advocates, Resources.
Hundreds of different HIV organisations work globally on treatment advocacy issues. Some of the groups that work on an international level and which are membership-based are listed below. AfroCAB Network of community treatment activists across Africa. AIDS Treatment Activists Coalition …
Research and clinical studies
16 November 2023. Related: Advocates, HIV positive people, Resources.
Research is essential if we are to understand more about HIV. We need research to get better and safer treatments, a vaccine and a cure. HIV research has expanded knowledge about many other areas of medicine. this includes huge advances …
Community publications
2 November 2023. Related: Advocates, Resources.
The following community-based websites include treatment news and reports. US site linked to POZ magazine that includes resources, online discussions and treatment news. UK site with a large database of mainly technical news articles. US site with …
Online resources
1 November 2023. Related: Advocates, Resources.
Knowing where to find information is essential. Many of these resources are the same as those for health professionals. i-Base resistance course Treatment guidelines Online calculators Drug interactions Professional links Conference calendar Drug resistance Clinical trials Online journals
HIV and drug resistance: online training guide (2014)
1 November 2023. Related: Advocacy and learning materials, Advocates, HIV and drug resistance: course, Resources.
This online course is a resource for treatment advocates who want to learn about HIV and drug resistance. Although it was produced in 2014, the same principles explain drug resistance in 2023, It is also a reference for HIV positive …
World CAB: meetings and reports
22 March 2023. Related: Advocates, Other reports, Publications, Resources.
World Community Advisory Board (World CAB) The World CAB was an early international network of HIV treatment activists that are focussed on better global access to HIV and other treatments. It was first coordinated by activists from i-Base in the …
1 March 2023. Related: Advocates, HIV positive people, Resources.
This page includes links to information about PrEP, PEP and PEPSE. PrEP = Pre Exposure Prophylaxis. PrEP is the term for using HIV drugs before and after sex. If taken as recommended, PrEP is highly effective at preventing HIV infection. It …
ART in pictures: HIV treatment explained (April 2022)
12 April 2022. Related: Advocacy and learning materials, Advocates, Guides, Publications.
This resource explains some of the ideas and science behind HIV and treatment. It is easy to read. Each section includes a picture and summary notes. Additional text in each section tells a more detailed story. It was developed as …
HIV pipeline report 2021: new drugs in development
29 August 2021. Related: Advocacy and learning materials, Advocates, News, Other reports, Professionals, Publications, Resources.
Review of recently approved HIV drugs and those in late stage development…
Questions about U=U: what, when, who, why….?
2 June 2021. Related: Advocates, HIV positive people, News, Resources.
The following questions provide more information about why an undetectable viral load stops HIV transmission (U=U). Download U=U Q&A factsheet (PDF) U=U posters and post cards for clinics. What is U=U? U=U is an abbreviation for: Undetectable = Untransmittable It means …
Treatment training for activists – January 2021
1 January 2021. Related: Advocacy and learning materials, Advocates, News, Publications, Resources.
Treatment training for activists – January 2021 This resource contains eight modules with questions and answers. This manual is designed for people who are just learning about HIV. Test is easy to read. Most pages have a reading ease score above 70 …
HIV and COVID-19: new publication
26 August 2020. Related: Advocates, Journals, News, Publications.
22 July 2020 issue no 6 now online
PARTNER and PARTNER 2 studies
3 May 2019. Related: Advocates, ART, HIV positive people, Pocket ART, Resources.
The PARTNER study reported zero HIV transmissions from a positive partner on ART to their negative partner. This was after couples in the study had sex more than 58,500 times without using condoms. Detailed report of the PARTNER results. The …
Н=Н (U=U Russian)
10 April 2019. Related: Advocates, HIV positive people, Resources, Russian, Translations.
НЕОПРЕДЕЛЯЕМАЯ вирусная нагрузкаозначает, чтоВИЧНЕ ПЕРЕДАЕТСЯ Знаете ли вы, что неопределяемая вирусная нагрузка при лечении ВИЧ (АВТ) означает отсутствие риска передачи ВИЧ? АРТ не только полезна для вашего здоровья, но и защищает ваших партнеров. Н=Н означает, что вам не нужно использовать …
U=U (Turkish B=B)
8 April 2019. Related: Advocates, HIV positive people, Resources, Translations, Turkish.
BELİRLENEMEYEN viral yük HIV’in kondomsuz cinsel iilişki yoluyla BULAŞMAYACAĞI anlamına gelir. HIV ilaç tedavisinde (ART) belirlenemeyen bir viral yükün HIV bulaşlarını durdurduğunu biliyor muydunuz? HIV ilaç tedavisi *ART kendi sağlığınız için iyi olmakla beraber, aynı zamanda partnerlerinizi de korur. B=B (U=U), …
I=I (U=U Spanish)
8 April 2019. Related: Advocates, HIV positive people, Resources, Spanish, Translations.
PDF A4 leaflet – from gTt, Barclona UNA carga viral Indetectable significa que elVIHES INTRANSMISIBLE ¿Sabías que tener una carga viral indetectable en el tratamiento del VIH (ART) detiene la transmisión del virus? ART no es solo bueno para tu salud, …
U=U (Romanian)
8 April 2019. Related: Advocates, HIV positive people, Resources, Romanian, Translations.
Încărcătură viralăNEDETECTABILĂ înseamnă că HIVESTE NETRANSMISIBIL tiați că dacă aveți încărcătură virală nedetectabilă în timp ce urmați tratamentul HIV (ART) transmiterea HIV se oprește? ART nu este numai bun pentru sănătatea dvs., acesta vă protejează și partenerii. U=U înseamnă că …