Course materials – introduction course

The following resources are developed for the introduction course.

Reading material includes these chapters from the i-Base advocacy training manual.

  1. Immune system and CD4 count
  2. Virology, HIV and viral load
  3. Introduction to anti-retrovirals (ARVs)
  4. Side effects of ARVs
  5. Opportunistic infections (OIs) and coinfections
  6. HIV and pregnancy
  7. Drug users and HIV
  8. Clinical trials and research

The introduction course is also developed as a visual course and includes the following additional pictures, tables and graphs.

Workshop 1 – Introduction to your body and your immune system

Organs of the body test Immune activation

Workshop 2 – HIV and virology (the study of viruses)

HIV lifecycle - how drugs work in different ways Global distribution of HIV subtypes Units of measure

Workshop 3 – Introduction to ARVs

Average CD4 increases by starting CD4 count