1. Immune system and CD4 count (2023)
This chapter looks at the way your body fights infections. The role of CD4 cells and understanding your CD4 count. Updated 2023.
- 1. 1 and 1.2 Introduction and aims
- 1. 3 Definition of AIDS (SIDA)
- 1. 4 Basic organs of the body
- 1. 5 How the immune system works (before HIV infection)
- 1. 6 How does HIV interact with the immune system?
- 1. 7 CD4 count as a surrogate marker of your immune system
- 1. 8 How quickly does HIV progress without ART?
- 1. 9 Interpreting CD4 results: CD4 count and CD4 percentage
- 1.10 CD4 differences between adults and children
- 1.11 Different stages of HIV infection
- 1.12 CD4 count cut-offs and the risks of OIs
- 1.13 Use of CD4 count for starting therapy (ART)
Last updated: 1 January 2023.