Further information
The BMA guide is a general reference book (not just HIV-related) including illustrated information on how drugs work and on many individual drugs:
New Guide to Medicines and Drugs.
Produced by the British Medical Association, 11th edition, 2021.
Much of the most easily readable and up-to-date information on side effects and HIV is available on the internet.
The following links were correct when we went to press. If you have trouble finding an article or link call the i-Base phoneline on 0800 800 6013 and we’ll try to help.
Treatment guidelines
Treatment guidelines have good information on managing side effects.
British HIV Association (UK)
European AIDS Clinical Society (Europe)
AIDSinfo (US)
Community resources
The Canadian community organisation CATIE has a comprehensive guide to side effects that might cover other areas and options
Many conferences publish studies on the internet and some also let you hear lectures and see slides from some sessions. Important sites for 2011 meetings include:
Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections
International AIDS Society Conferences
Reports from these and other meetings are usually available shortly after the meetings on the following sites:
i-Base.info (this site)
A community site with a range of information on fat loss. As well as facial fat loss this is one of the few sites that includes an overview of fat loss from the buttocks.
Websites on HIV and HCV drug interactions
Online calculators
For risk of heart disease and kidney function
Different calculators use different data sets. None is 100% accurate or validated for HIV.
A calculator that includes race might help Black/non-white people:
A research site with heart risk (including a 5-year calculator from the D:A:D study developed for use in HIV-positive people) and kidney function (estimated GFR) calculators is at:
For BMI, smoking etc
A range of NHS calculators include BMI (for weight) and financial savings (from stopping smoking):
HIV and ageing
Fifty over 50: a collection of individual reflections on growing older with HIV
This community publication from 2022 includes the experiences of fifty people living with HIV in the UK.
hivworkingtogether.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/sites/19/2022/05/Fifty-Over-50-E-Book.pdf (PDF)
Coming of Age
This community guide includes a comprehensive review of medical management of people living with HIV as we grow older. It is available in English and ten translations.
Last updated: 1 March 2023.