Credits and about out guides

Thanks to an extended advisory group of HIV positive people, community advocates and medical advisors for comments on this guide.

Special thanks to Dr Tristan Barber, Dr Yvonne Gilleece and Professor Saye Khoo and to Nadia Naous at the HIV Pharmacist Group for medical review and comments.

Quotes through the guide are thanks to Hosanna, Lenny, Matt, Memory, Mike, Nathan, Paul, Polly, Simon, Tim, Vladimir, Winnie and Xavi.

Original design by No Days Off.

Not-for-profit copying is encouraged or call for additional free copies.

Written and compiled by Simon Collins for HIV i-Base (24th edition, May 2022)

About our guides

i-Base takes care to write non-technical information that is easier to read. This includes making sure most text is to a reading age or 11-12 or less. This is similar to tabloid newspapers.

Information about how we produced this guide and the importance of using language that is direct and easy to understand.

This includes information on how to write non technical medical information that may be useful as a resource for other organisations.

Last updated: 1 September 2024.