17th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI), 16-19 February 2010, San Francisco


The 17th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI), one of the most important annual HIV meetings, was held this year from 16-19 February. 

As with previous meetings, much of the conference is published online including all abstracts and webcasts of oral presentations including poster discussions.

Making this scientific content available without login or subscription is itself a significant achievement. It is a model for broadening access to medical research to a degree that is currently unmatched by any other meeting.

The webcasts this year include oral presentations, poster discussions, the opening lectures and the pre-meeting set of training workshops for young investigators.

The conference website also includes a searchable abstract database.

We encourage readers to view these lectures directly.



Lectures are also available as audio downloads and podcasts which include slides as audiobooks.

Our first articles covering this meeting are:

  • href=”https://i-base.info/htb/10248″>Vitamin D deficiencies in HIV management
  • <a
    title=”Permanent link to Efavirenz use in pregnancy and birth outcomes” rel=”bookmark” href=”https://i-base.info/htb/10240″>Efavirenz use in pregnancy and
    birth outcomes
  • href=”https://i-base.info/htb/10238″>Pregnancy outcomes in women using non-AZT HAART in Europe

More to follow next issue…

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.