‘Fund the Fund’ launches campaign pack

The ‘Fund the Fund’ group, which is organising a popular international campaign to pressure the governments of rich nations to finance the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria, has produced an advocacy guide to help groups and individuals join the campaign. The group is urgently calling for US $1.4 billion so the Global Fund can finance a third group of projects.

The advocacy guide, now available to download from the website below, was created to serve as a guide to some of the activities that have already been planned for the campaign. It includes:

  • A ‘backgrounder’ – Why do we need a Global Fund? What is the Fund’s history? What is the Fund’s future?
  • Tips and suggestions on strategies and activities to campaign for the future of the Global Fund,
  • A fact sheet about the Global Fund and its funding crisis,
  • A draft ‘sign up’ letter to send to national governments,
  • A list of resources of more information about the Global Fund and the ‘Fund the Fund’ campaign.


Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.