Breast enlargement in men and testosterone treatment

Simon Collins, HIV i-Base

Breast enlargement in male patients was reported in 28/2,310 patients attending a Barcelona clinic from November 2001 to November 2002 (incidence 1.2%).

This was bilateral in just under half the cases and in 57% cases the patients had other symptoms of lipodystrophy. Ultrasound showed gynecomastia in 75% of cases and lipomastia in 25%. Spontaneous regression occurred in only seven (25%) patients and other management approaches including use of testosterone cream or withdrawal of potentially implicating drugs and in one case surgery, produced regression in other patients. (further details not provided in abstract). [25]

This article is part of a longer report from the 5th International Workshop on Adverse Drug Reactions and Lipodystrophy, 8-11 July 2003, Paris. Part eleven of this report.


Unless otherwise stated, all abstracts refer to the programme and abstracts from the 5th International Workshop on Adverse Drug Reactions and Lipodystrophy in HIV, 8-11 July 2003, Paris and are published in Antiviral Therapy Volume 8 issue 4.

  1. Garcia M, Martinez E, Domingo P et al – Breast enlargement in male HIV-infected patients. Abstract 82.

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