September 2003
Volume 4 Number 7 August/September 2003
Treatment alerts
EMEA public statement on early virologic non-response in patients with HIV infection treated with tenofovir in combination with lamivudine and abacavir
Conference reports
XII International HIV Drug Resistance Workshop, Los Cabos, Mexico, 10-14 June 2003
Transmission of drug resistance – at 11% in Europe and 17% in the UK
HIV coinfection, reinfection and superinfection
Single-dose nevirapine resistance in over 75% of mothers
Transmission of drug resistant virus does not revert to wild-type and does not appear ‘less fit’
Standard genotype assays may miss 75% of mutations when present in less than 35% of plasma sample
Low-level resistance and minority populations: cross resistance between nevirapine and efavirenz occurs even in the absence of genotypic mutations found using population sequencing
Persistent effect of d4T and 3TC, but not NNRTIs in the presence of associated genotypic mutations
Replicative capacity results complicated by minority wild-type virus
Tenofovir, resistance and K65R and concomitant nucleosides
Response to STI is determined by virus rather than immunological response
Why resistance rarely develops with viral suppression <50 copies/mL
Long-term persistence of distinct mutations in genital tract
5th International Workshop on Adverse Drug Reactions and Lipodystrophy, 8-11 July 2003, Paris
Underlying mechanisms: adipocytes and cytokines
More mitochondrial DNA depletion
IMT and cardiovascular risk
Reduced bone mineral density in HIV-positive women
Rosiglitazone with insulin resistance
Additional benefits of exercise with metformin
Mitochondrial toxicity with AZT and d4T – and benefits of switch to abacavir
Facial fat loss – measuring and treatment
Uridine treatment for mitochondrial toxicity
Breast enlargement in men and testosterone treatment
Severe efavirenz psychotic events
Treatment interruption: a real choice
2nd IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis and Treatment, 13-16 July 2003, Paris
Nevirapine and MTCT: the single-dose backlash
Triple nucleoside combinations fail patients again
Nucleoside-sparing regimens
Dual boosted PIs in salvage therapy
BMS reports on atazanavir efficacy and safety in treatment experienced patients
Unsupervised treatment interruptions are associated with increased risk of AIDS or death
Uridine as a potential treatment for NRTI related mitochondrial toxicity
Long term exposure to nucleoside analogues and peripheral nerve function
Step-wise intervention eases diarrhoea linked to PI nelfinavir (Viracept) therapy
First results from ESPRIT study: CD4 response to IL-2 is associated with higher nadir and baseline CD4 and younger age
Lessons learned from early HAART in acute HIV infection
CD4 cell reconstitution is significantly slower in older patients
Pharmacology studies at the 2nd IAS conference
Studies highlight problems of rectal disease in HIV-positive patients
T-20 launched in UK
US approval of FTC (emtricitabine)
Treatment access
Appointment of industry executive to supervise US AIDS initiative provokes criticism
US guidelines updated (July 2003)
Side effects
Bone mineral metabolism and HIV-infection
Coinfections and complications
Protease inhibitors and Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS): KS relapse seen after switch from PI to NNRTI
Drug resistance
Resistance summary of new PIs: atazanavir and tipranavir
Other news
UK highest rate of new infections at over 5,000 cases
Medicines Control Agency slated by Commons committee
On the web
Conference reports and abstracts
Medscape articles
Newletters and reports
Volume 4 Number 7 August/September 2003 PDF
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Stopping ART safely if your clinic is closed or runs out of meds: a practical guide
24 March 2025
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