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PRN Notebook – September 2003

Articles from the September 2003 issue of The PRN Notebook in both HTML and PDF formats are available online. Simple, free, one-time registration required.

To switch or not to switch–when is it a question?

Steven Deeks, MD

An excellent article looking at data on clinical benefit for patients who are unable to construct a maximally suppressive regimen and who maintain >0.5 log below baseline, to continue a protease-containing but failing regimen. Explained largely by resistance and its effect on replicative capacity, and then virulence.

Also discussed is the more recent finding that PI-resistant induced decreases in replicative capacity may continue after discontinuation of PIs, allowing use on dual nucleoside therapy, and the use of complete and partial treatment interruptions to reduce further development of resistance rather than to promote a return to wild-type virus. Essential reading.

Feasible primary HIV infection screening: the North Carolina experience
Christopher D. Pilcher, MD

Transmission of drug-resistant HIV
Viviana Simon, MD, PhD

When two infections are better than one: the exceptional role of GB Virus-C in HIV disease
Hans L. Tillmann, MD


October 2003

The diabolic science: VaxGen’s claims of vaccine efficacy evanesce in Autumn’s last light
Richard Jefferys

Medi Gap: congressional juggling of medicare drug coverage leaves many in the lurch – Letter to President Bush
William E. Arnold, Mark Harrington and A. Cornelius Baker

September 2003

Rx Americas: antiretroviral therapy in Latin America: A good plan is hard to find
Richard Stern

Tragical realism: treatment coverage for selected countries
Richard Stern

ACTing UP for treatment access in Latin America
Richard Stern

Second shoe: Doha report
Anne Christine d’Adesky

HIV inSite Knowledge Base

Critical Care of Patients with HIV – Kristina Crothers, MD, and Laurence Huang, MD

Community-Based Care in the Developing World: Related Resources
Material on international community-based care programs.

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.