UK increases funding to the Global Fund

In February 2011 the UK Department for International Development (DfID) launched a report of their Multilateral Aid Review (MAR) which claimed the Global Fund to fight AIDS TB and Malaria (GFATM) to be ‘very good value for money’.

Andrew Mitchell, the Secretary of State for International Development, has pledged that those organisations in the ‘very good’ bracket will get increased funding although the amount of funding that will be made available is still to be decided.

In 2010 The UK contributed $313, 565,165.


In the last HTB we included an article from Global Fund Observer reporting corruption within Global Fund. This had stopped funds to several African countries and had led to Germany pulling out of future funding commitments. However, this DfID report is leading a turn-around in the Global Fund’s credibility.

The Global Fund, and indeed DfID, like to promote the GFATM’s major success as “providing AIDS treatment to 3 million people”. While this is good news and represents about half those on treatment it is important to remember that coverage far from meets need and 14.6 million remain in need of treatment now.


The DfID Multilateral Aid Review: Taking forward the findings of the UK MAR Report

The Gloab Fund press release about the UK MAR:

The Global Fund pledges and contributions spreadsheet:

Treatment access statistics:

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.