The immunological effects of old age and anti-CMV immunity in HIV infection

Richard Jefferys, TAG

Following on the heels of yesterday’s post, a study has just been published by the journal AIDS that echoes the same themes. [1]

The researchers, led by Victor Appay, find that depletion of naive CD4 and CD8 T cells represents the major parallel between HIV infection and aging and, like Beth Jamieson’s group, they note that the effects are additive. The researchers also report that immune responses to another chronic infection – CMV – are associated with reduced naive T cell reconstitution in people with HIV on antiretroviral therapy, consistent with the idea that chronic infections can place a drain on naive T cell resources (CMV infection has also been associated with reduced naive T cell levels in individuals not infected with HIV). Additionally, Appay and colleagues look at markers of T cell senescence in HIV and aging, but find that the parallels are not as clear as those documented for naive T cells.

Source: TAG Basic Science Blog. (18 Mar 2011).


  1. Appay V et al. Old age and anti-CMV immunity are associated with altered T cell reconstitution in HIV-1 infected patients. AIDS. 2011 Mar 15. [Epub ahead of print].
  2. Chidrawar S et al. Cytomegalovirus-seropositivity has a profound influence on the magnitude of major lymphoid subsets within healthy individuals. Clin Exp Immunol. 2009 March; 155(3): 423–432.

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