BHIVA research awards deadline

The 2009 research programme for 2009 is now open. The deadline for applications is 10 July 2009. Launched in 2006, this is intended to provide funding for research projects that will improve the clinical care and management of people living.

In 2009, £30,000 is available to be distributed among the successful applicants with a maximum of £10,000 per applicant

The award is open to any BHIVA member working on HIV disease in any capacity that does, or may, improve HIV clinical care and management in the UK. Laboratory studies are included, as well as clinical and otherrelated projects. It is open to both medically and non-medically qualified BHIVA members.

If you are not a BHIVA member, please complete the BHIVA membership application form and allow 10 days for your application to be processed. You will need your BHIVA members’ website login and password in order to submit a BHIVA Research Award application.

For further information and an application form:

To join BHIVA:

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.