June 2009
Volume 10 Number 5/6 May/June 2009
Conference reports
15th Annual Conference of the British HIV Association (BHIVA), 1-3 April 2009, Liverpool
Superinfection identified in 2 out of 8 patients with unexpected viral load increases
Peripheral DEXA scans to identify rates of reduced bone mineral density
Vitamin D deficiency, supplementation and tenofovir
High rate of lost and untested TB biopsy samples and low screening for latent TB
16th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI), 8-11 February 2009, Montreal
Assessing the cardiovascular impact of HIV, abacavir, and new signals for lopinavir/r
Intensive smoking cessation programme reports limited success at 6 months
HDL particle concentration predicts cardiovascular disease in SMART
No effect of hormonal contraception on HIV disease progression in large multi-country cohort
Pregnancy, family planning, and HIV acquisition in HPTN 039
Progression and regression of pre-malignant cervical lesions in HIV-positive women from Soweto
CD4 count >250 not predictive of rash-associated hepatoxicity among women initiating nevirapine-based ART in Zambia, Thailand, and Kenya
HIV testing of infants at immunisation clinics in Kwazulu-Natal
Rapid HIV disease progression in South African infants co-infected with cytomegalovirus (CMV)
Pharmacokinetic studies in very young infants
Double-dose lopinavir/ritonavir provides insufficient lopinavir exposure in children receiving rifampicin
PI-based ART in children with HIV and HIV/TB coinfection in South Africa
Etravirine dose selection in children aged 6 to 17
Preliminary results from first paediatric raltegravir study
10th International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of HIV Therapy, 15-17 April 2009, Amsterdam
Efavirenz lowers levels of darunavir given as 900/100mg once daily with ritonavir
How much (or how little) ritonavir do you need to boost another PI?
Genetic markers linked to early discontinuation of three antiretrovirals
4th South African AIDS Conference, 31 March-3 April 2009, Durban, South Africa
HAART coverage and unmet need in South Africa
EMEA positive opinion on using tipranavir and darunavir in younger patients
Lopinavir/r (Kaletra) cardiovascular risk requires FDA label changes
NEJM paper: NA-ACCORD cohort study on when to start treatment
NA ACCORD results support the importance of the START study: response to researchers
EMEA statement on abacavir and the risk of heart attack
Treatment access
Access to HIV treatment for UK prisoners
PK and drug interactions
Potential interactions between antiviral treatment for swine flu (H1N1) and anti-HIV therapy
Case reports of significant interactions between etravirine and raltegravir
HIV and hepatitis coinfection guidelines (2009): online for comment
US pregnancy guidelines updated (2009)
Cure-related research
Update on (another) Berlin patient
Basic science and immunology
Whole body CD4 T cell census questions role of gut
Gut bacteria breach the barrier: further confirmation of microbial translocation in HIV infection
BHIVA news
BHIVA research awards deadline
Other news
Iowa: Gay man gets 25 years for one-time non-disclosure to a single complainant
US denies entry to 60 HIV-positive Canadians
Job vacancy: Editor post for of the Southern African Journal on HIV Medicine for the nursing profession
Volume 10 Number 5/6 May/June 2009 PDF
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Stopping ART safely if your clinic is closed or runs out of meds: a practical guide
24 March 2025
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