Supplement: HIV testing and risks of sexual transmission

A new i-Base guide is included as a supplement to this issue of HTB.

HIV Testing and Risks of Sexual Transmission was produced in response to the growing number of testing and transmission questions that i-Base receives.

This resource brings together research into the impact of treatment on transmission and explains aspects of transmission that are often missed from resources that focus almost exclusively on condoms to explain risk.

This guide, written in non technical language, will hopefully be as useful for training as for general information.

The guide is also already online, together with further reading, appendices and references that are not included in the print edition.

Additional copies are free – please order in the usual way (online, by email or fax-back the back page of HTB).

We welcome feedback on this guide and this short online survey includes space for comment:

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.