NICE guidance on increasing the uptake of HIV testing

The two NICE guidance topics that published in March 2011 are:

  • Increasing the uptake of HIV testing among black African communities living in England
  • Increasing the uptake of HIV testing among men who have sex with men

The free access support tools from NICE includes:

  • Online educational module developed in conjunction with BMJ Learning to help healthcare professionals in primary care and non-HIV specialist settings improve their knowledge of key clinical areas in relation to HIV testing
  • Audit support for general practice, secondary care and specialist services to assist with the audit process, thereby helping to ensure that practice is in line with the NICE recommendations. This consists of audit criteria and data collection tool(s) and can be edited or adapted for local use
  • Self assessment tools for services or local partnerships to establish how close their current practice is to that recommended in the guidance and to help with prioritising implementation activity
  • Costing report which provides an overview of both the potential costs and savings from putting the NICE guidance into practice
  • Costing template helps individual NHS organisations and local health economies to quickly assess any impact that the NICE guidance may have on local budgets
  • Slide set for primary and secondary care featuring key recommendations for clinical practice: developed to support professionals in general practice and secondary care who are not specialists in HIV testing or treatment
  • Clinical indicator diseases table (reproduced with kind permission from the British HIV Association) to accompany the above slide set
  • Slide set for commissioning of specialist sexual health services developed for those involved in the commissioning or strategic planning of sexual health services, it provides an overview of all recommendations from both pieces of guidance.

The NICE tools and guidance are online via the following guidance pages:

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.