RITA! summer issue: HIV and cardiovascular disease

Research Initiative, Treatment Action (RITA!)

This edition of Rita! includes three review articles that focus on cardiovascular risk factors in people with HIV, the role of ART in cardiovascular risk, and screening people with HIV for cardiovascular disease.

Numerous studies have reported that HIV positive adults and children are likely to have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease than the general population. But sorting out the impact of HIV and ART has also produced contradictory results in studies.

Mark Mascolini reviews over 100 studies for these careful reports and also interviews the University of Wisconsin’s James Stein, a leading US authority on cardiovascular disease in people with HIV. Stein offers frank and insightful answers to questions on cardiovascular risk, screening adults and children, the Framingham score, lipid targets, aspirin prophylaxis, and smoking.

Available as free PDF download.


http://www.centerforaids.org/pdfs/rita0613.pdf (PDF download)

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