6th International Workshop on HIV Paediatrics, 18-19 July 2014, Melbourne

Logo 6th Paediatric Workshop

The International Workshop on HIV Pediatrics is now up to number six – an annual fixture before the IAS conference – and goes from strength to strength.

The meeting is an opportunity to show work on a subject that often gets overlooked or lost at the big conferences.

Presentations this year were a mix of plenary talks, abstracts, clinical case studies, debates and discussions. Topics this year included cure, diagnosis and very early treatment of infants, the thorny issue of adolescents, new and older antiretrovirals, rationalising the paediatric formulary, retention in care, long-term complications and TB.

Workshop materials including the programme and abstract book for online viewing are available at

The abstracts of the 5th International Workshop on HIV Pediatrics are published in Reviews in Antiviral Therapy & Infectious Diseases 2014_6:

The slides are online at:

Reports in this issue of HTB include:

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