EACS guidelines (2015): translations in 11 languages now available online

EACS news release

EACS 2014 coverThe combined HIV clinical guidelines from the European AIDS Clinical Society are now available in 11 languages in PDF format.

Languages for the translations are: Albanian, Croatian, English, French, Greek, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Spanish and Turkish. A Japanese version is also being produced.


The EACS guidelines are developed as a practical resource based on summary table and notes. They are organised in five main sections;

  • Assessment and monitoring
  • Antiretroviral treatment
  • Complications and comorbidities
  • Hepatitis B and C
  • Opportunistic infections

Translations are from the November 2014 edition. The English version is available online and as a mobile App (for Apple and Android). The next revision of the guidelines is due to be published at the EACS conference in October 2015.

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.