Resource for HIV-positive travellers: HIV/AIDS regulations

As a resource for HIV-positive travelers, the German AIDS Federation and International Lesbian and Gay Association, have published an online overview of travel and entry restrictions in different countries: ‘Quick Reference: Travel and Residence Regulations for People with HIV and AIDS 2005’.

The regulations and restrictions for people with HIV/AIDS can be drastically different from country to country, and the guide is being updated as quickly as possible to reflect these changes. The latest edition reflects the most up-to-date information available in 2005, and a new version of the survey is tentatively slated for publication after the summer of 2007.

Nonetheless, some notable policy changes have already occurred including positive changes in Canadian entry policy, introduced to support delegates attending the IAS conference in Toronto this summer. Canada does not now require people applying for a visa to enter Canada as a short term visitor to disclose known HIV infection, does not routinely impose mandatory HIV testing on short-term visitors, nor does it categorically bar visitors based on their HIV-positive status.

Other updated information is available in French, German and English:

Updates in English available at:

If you have any comments or information about individual countries, please contact Peter Wiesser at:

Policy surrounding HIV/AIDS can be ambiguous or politically volatile, and it may be wise to compare information from a variety of sources before traveling abroad.

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.